Tuesday, February 5, 2008

What's Subliminal's Music About?

According to blogger Mere Rhetoric, Sivan [of Subliminal's T.A.C.T. Family, coming on the Israelity Tour with us this week] "Emphasizes Social Justice, Under-Emphasizes Own Hotness." Apparently the music is the message, and we're fine with that, just as MR is fine with the fact that she and Subliminal "missed the memo that they're supposed to be insane and racist. Maybe they just don't consume enough international media or hang out in enough college seminar rooms."

Subliminal, Sivan, the T.A.C.T. Family and the other artists on the Israelity Tour are coming to campuses this week and next, including to MR's general neighborhood, undoubtedly to interesting results. Stay tuned here for discussion, recaps and clips from concerts and programs.

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